Taking after its declaration, The Last of Us: Left Behind was exceedingly foreseen because of the basic achievement of The Last of Us. The diversion likewise highlights a making framework, permitting players to alter weapons through the utilization of updates. Stealth battle uses a gameplay technician called “Listen Mode” that permits players to viably find foes through an increased feeling of listening to and spatial mindfulness.

The Last of Us: Left Behind is played from a third-individual point of view players use guns, ad libbed weapons and stealth to guard against threatening people and zombie-like animals tainted by a transformed strain of the Cordyceps parasite. The game is presently accessible for Microsoft Windows on GamesKnit. Players control Ellie, a young lady who invests energy with her companion Riley after her sudden return, inside of a post-prophetically calamitous world.

It was discharged for the PlayStation 3 on February 14, 2014, as a downloadable development pack to The Last of Us it was later packaged with The Last of Us Remastered, a redesigned rendition of the amusement discharged for the PlayStation 4 on July 29, 2014, and was discharged as standalone extension pack for both consoles on May 12, 2015. The Last of Us: Left Behind is an activity experience survival loathsomeness computer game created by Naughty Dog and distributed by Sony Computer Entertainment.